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C Language

virgo81's C lectures for beginner! #1 - My 1st program.

by virgo81 2007. 8. 26.

Hi, everybody!

Now, you will make your first program.!

Please launch Dev-C++.

File menu -> New -> Project

Select the Consol Application, fill the name field as myfirst and select C Project.

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finally, select OK button.

I recommend you to create a work folder for your project.

Now, I create a work folder as work.

Save myfirst.dev to work folder.

Oh, now you can see the some lines of the code.!

You just change some lines of the code.

Now, I will add a bolding line.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  printf("Hello, this is my first program!\n");

  return 0;

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For running your code, you need to compile.

Before compiling, save your code by using File menu -> Save.

Compile the code by using Execute menu -> Compile.

If you see the error, please check your code.

After compiling, you can run your first program by using Execute menu -> Run.

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Next lecture, I will explain the code as line by line.

See you next lecture!!!^^