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virgo81's C lectures for beginner! #1 - My 1st program. Hi, everybody! Now, you will make your first program.! Please launch Dev-C++. File menu -> New -> Project Select the Consol Application, fill the name field as myfirst and select C Project. finally, select OK button. I recommend you to create a work folder for your project. Now, I create a work folder as work. Save myfirst.dev to work folder. Oh, now you can see the some lines of the code.! You .. 2007. 8. 26.
virgo81's C lectures for beginner! #0 Hi, everybody! Now, I will post the virgo81's C lectures for beginner! For these lectures, you might need a C compiler. I attatched C compiler that's name is DEV-C++. It is a free software, but powerful! If you want to download, click the link. 2007. 8. 25.
Currency Currency unit is WON(KRW). 1 USD = 931 KRW 100 JPY = 769 KRW 1 EUR = 1250 KRW 1 GBP = 1840 KRW There are 8 type notes. 10,000 WON (3 types) (pronounced : man-wΛn) 5,000 WON (3 types) (pronounced : o-chΛn-wΛn) 1,000 WON (2 types) (pronounced : chΛn-wΛn) There are 5 type coins. 500 WON (pronounced : o-bæg-wΛn) 100 WON (pronounced : bæg-wΛn) 50 WON (pronounced : o-sib-wΛn) 10 WON (2 types) (pronoun.. 2007. 8. 25.
Climates Summers are generally hot and wet, with monsoons taking place from June until September. August, the hottest month, has an average temperature of 22 °C to 30 °C (72 °F to 86 °F). Winters are often very cold when compared to places of a similar latitude, with an average January temperature of -7 °C to 1 °C (19 °F to 33 °F). Winters are generally a lot drier than summers, although on average there.. 2007. 8. 25.